The Film HUB at Pop Brixton


Filmmaking is in its very essence a collaborative art form. Almost everyting we do as directors, producers, writers, cinematographers or editors involves collaboration with others.
Why is it then, that so much of our daily work is done sitting by ourselves?

Many of us work from home, on laptops or small edtiting bays. We keep our equipment in closets and hard-cases stored wherever we have room, as we keep hammering away on a script, a project proposal, a set design, or a grant application. That is when we are not actually shooting something and the solitary work comes together to something “real”.

The Film HUB at Pop Brixton is a way to see if there is a more collborative way of working, where we can also exchange ideas with each other and possibly inspire each other’s projects.

It´s basically a shared work space in a container. A rusty cage of sorts. But it can be so much more.hub

First of all it is in a very inspiring and creative environment at Pop Brixton, with it’s many fantastic multi-talented people doing new and interesting stuff. popbrixton1

The HUB will organise screenings, talks, workshops with actors, directors, producers etc. Participants will be able to exchange information on financing applications, equipment rental, production schedules, shooting permits, as well as create a database of people in our area interested in participating in projects, both creatively and practically. We can stimulate and give input to each other’s ideas by discussing them or presenting them – or we can simply keep your “work” and “home” life a bit apart from each other. Very healthy sometimes.

There is the larger event space “POP Box” where some of these things can happen and there is a possibility to collaborate with the people of Ritzy, Whirled cinema and others.


Most of all it is a way to be working with your film in a quiet but inspiring environment, getting out of home, with access to some nice coffee and the option of a friendly chat with someone else who is doing the same as you. After all, we are all trying to tell stories that matters to us and hopefully to others, in a visual medium that keeps changing and developing constantly, and where input and collaboration across platforms, media and audiences are more important than ever.


I am convinced that this can be fun and inspiring and possibly lead to a few interesting projects and meetings we don’t even know about yet.

Welcome to join.

Thomas Nordanstad